
               author = "Ribeiro, B{\'a}rbara Maria Giaccom and Fonseca, Leila Maria 
                         Garcia and Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE} and {Instituto Nacional de 
                         Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE}",
                title = "Avalia{\c{c}}{\~a}o das imagens WorldView-II para o mapeamento 
                         da cobertura do solo urbano",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2011",
               editor = "Epiphanio, Jos{\'e} Carlos Neves and Galv{\~a}o, L{\^e}nio 
                pages = "722--729",
         organization = "Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 15. (SBSR).",
            publisher = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
             keywords = "urban remote sensing, Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA), high 
                         resolution images.",
             abstract = "Mapping of urban land cover using remote sensing technology has 
                         been widely explored, especially with the recent availability of 
                         high resolution images and object-based processing techniques. 
                         This study uses the InterIMAGE system and WorldView-II orbital 
                         sensor imagery, two technologies which are new and still little 
                         explored in urban studies, to classify land cover in five 
                         test-sites near to the western section of Rodoanel M{\'a}rio 
                         Covas, a ring-road that surrounds the metropolitan area of 
                         S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil. The work hypothesis is: the spectral 
                         resolution increase of WorldView-II imagery, compared to previous 
                         sensor systems, can improve the identification of urban targets, 
                         and consequently, improve the land cover classification. To 
                         evaluate the effects of the increase on spectral resolution of 
                         WorldView-II system images, we simulated an image based on data 
                         from the QuickBird-II sensor. The classification model was built 
                         according to InterIMAGEs image analysis strategy. InterIMAGE is an 
                         open source and free access framework for knowledge-based image 
                         classification. Within this system, human knowledge is represented 
                         as a semantic net built with user-defined rules based on the 
                         paradigms of object-oriented image analysis. The segmentation and 
                         classification are object-based, and the decision rules were 
                         composed by spectral and geometrical attributes. The proposed 
                         methodology is efficient to map the land cover in complex urban 
                         areas and the final classification achieved an overall accuracy of 
                         83% and a Kappa Accuracy Index of 0.81. The typical classification 
                         conflicts were solved, with a good identification of fifteen land 
                         cover classes.",
  conference-location = "Curitiba",
      conference-year = "30 abr. - 5 maio 2011",
                 isbn = "{978-85-17-00056-0 (Internet)} and {978-85-17-00057-7 (DVD)}",
             language = "pt",
         organisation = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                  ibi = "3ERPFQRTRW/39UGH5L",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/3ERPFQRTRW/39UGH5L",
           targetfile = "p0452.pdf",
                 type = "Estudos Urbanos",
        urlaccessdate = "20 set. 2024"
